I Lean To You, Numb as a Fossil. Tell Me I'm Here.


Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam

24.05.2014 - 21.06.2014


I lean to you numb as a fossil. Tell me I’m here. - Nika Neelova


Galerie Ron Mandos is proud to welcome Russian artist Nika Neelova for the first time to the gallery with the upcoming exhibition I lean to you numb as a fossil. Tell me I’m here. On view will be impressive architectural installations that inhabit both a sense of discomfort and nostalgia at the same time. With her sculptures Neelova explores the themes of memory and commemoration by bringing up remainders of history through architectural manifestations. 


Nika Neelova’s work focuses on interweaving these recollections of the past with historical facts and fictional interpretations. In doing so she creates desolate environments that remind of decay and uninhabitable no-places in cities. Throughout her work Neelova is interested in recreating these sinister settings, often possessing the quality of cinematic stills, that have the feeling something just happened or something is about to happen. For this exhibition there will be a work from Fragments Shored Against the Ruins series, which is a striking installation hanging on the ceiling. Other types of works included are Commemorate and Principles of Infinity, that consists of two guardrails mounted together and distorted into abstract shapes and forms. 


Nika Neelova was born in Moscow, Russia in 1987. She received a BA degree from the Royal Art Academy in The Hague and a Master of Fine Art, Sculpture from the Slade School of Art in London. After graduating she was awarded the Kenneth Armitage Young Sculptor Prize, the Land Security Prize Award and was the winner of the Saatchi New Sensations 2010.

27 May 2014
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